Saturday, March 30, 2013

Orange Kitchen Accessories

There are so many orange kitchen accessories, I don’t even know where to start!  As I gather my thoughts and organize my upcoming posts, you can check out this orange kitchen accessories page.

I also have this one with lots of orange kitchen towels…and of course, this orange tea kettles page as well.

When you’re browsing around at all these orange kitchen things, keep in mind that you need to choose your SHADE of orange.

Sound odd?  I’m sure it might until I tell you that there are like 100 or so different shades of orange paint alone!

Most orange kitchen accessories are either standard orange, burnt orange, or tangerine.  KitchenAid products that we would call orange are called tangerine by their company.

There’s also pumpkin orange as well.  Yep, lots of orange shades for the kitchen and that’s just in appliances, towels, cookware, and stuff!

I’ll be back with lots of new posts showcasing the best orange kitchen accessories I come across.  Oh, and I’ll let you know when I find cheap accessories and great deals as well.




Orange Kitchen Accessories


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